94.9 The Wolf along with Coca-Cola are back with MEAT MADNESS. Each weekday listen to Adam & Jen in the Morning and around 7:40a when you hear the ‘Meat Joke of the Day’, be caller #9 to SPIN THE WHEEL OF MEAT and win some delicious meat from Knutzen’s Meats, you’ll also be in the running for a freezer pack of meat, a brand new Traeger Grill and a years supply of Coca-Cola(12 cases of your favorite Coca-Cola product) at the end of the contest.
List of Meats to WIN –
- 2 Boneless Ribeye’s
1 Rack of Seasoned Baby Back Ribs– Joe Ross 3/4/214 Sirloin Steaks– Susan Erpenbeck 3/10/212 Filet Mignon– Mike Castilleja 3/16/21- 4 Pork Chops
1 Apple Bourbon Tri Tip– David Lee 3/8/214 lbs. Seasoned Carne Asada– Brooklyn Reeder 3/5/211 lbs. Pepperoni– Cody Cockrum 3/15/211 lbs. Jalapeno & Chedder Pepperoni– Trena Zahm 3/2/212 T-Bone Steaks– Jaimie Wetzel 3/3/211 Rack of Seasoned Baby Back Ribs– Papa Bob 3/18/216 lbs. Pork Butt– Kelsey Davis 3/12/21Bag of Jerky– Kate Beckman 3/9/218 Bacon Burgers– Jayden Kitchin 3/1/212 lbs. Summer Sausage– Rashele VanDinter-Darcy 3/11/21
Check out some of Caleb Knutzen’s videos from Knutzen’s Meats on his YouTube Channel.